UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Overview Course Description

Welcome to our UI/UX Design course! Discover the art of creating seamless user experiences and visually stunning interfaces. Dive into design principles, wireframing, prototyping, and user testing.

Master industry-standard tools like Sketch and Figma while honing your creativity. Join us to transform your design skills and embark on a journey towards crafting engaging digital experiences. Elevate your career with our UI/UX Design course!

What You’ll Learn From This Course

Course Curriculum

1. Understanding UI vs UX
2. Importance of Good Design in Digital Products
3. Evolution of UI/UX Design
4. Role of UI/UX Designer in Product Development
5. Key Principles of UI/UX Design
6. Overview of Design Thinking
7. Industry Trends in UI/UX
8. Importance of User-Centered Design
9. User Persona Development
10. Case Studies of Successful UI/UX Design Projects

1. Elements of Design (Color, Typography, Layout, etc.)
2. Principles of Design (Balance, Contrast, Harmony, etc.)
3. Gestalt Principles in Design
4. Grid Systems in UI/UX Design
5. Understanding Visual Hierarchy
6. Use of Imagery and Icons in Design
7. Importance of White Space
8. Designing for Different Screen Sizes
9. Responsive Design Principles
10. Accessibility in Design

1. Introduction to User Research
2. User Interviews and Surveys
3. Persona Development
4. User Journey Mapping
5. Card Sorting and Information Architecture
6. Usability Testing
7. A/B Testing and Analytics
8. Competitive Analysis
9. Heatmaps and User Behavior Analysis
10. Accessibility Testing

1. Importance of Wireframing
2. Tools for Wireframing (e.g., Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD)
3. Creating Low-Fidelity Wireframes
4. Prototyping Basics
5. Interactive Prototypes
6. High-Fidelity Prototypes
7. User Feedback and Iteration
8. Collaborative Prototyping
9. Handoff to Development
10. Version Control in Design Files

1. Introduction to UI Design
2. Visual Consistency in UI
3. Color Theory in UI Design
4. Typography in UI
5. Iconography and Imagery
6. Designing Buttons and Calls-to-Action
7. Designing Forms for Better Usability
8. Microinteractions in UI
9. Responsive UI Design
10. Adaptive Design for Multiple Platforms

1. Introduction to Interaction Design
2. Principles of Interaction Design
3. Creating Meaningful Animations
4. Navigation Design
5. Feedback Systems in UI
6. Affordances and Signifiers
7. Cognitive Load and Interaction Design
8. Prototyping Interactions
9. User Flow Design
10. User Onboarding and Tutorials

1. Introduction to Design Systems
2. Components and Patterns
3. Style Guides
4. Atomic Design Principles
5. Maintaining Consistency in Design
6. Design Tokens
7. Collaborative Design Systems
8. Integrating Design Systems with Development
9. Design System Documentation
10. Scaling Design Systems for Large Projects

1. Usability Principles
2. Usability Testing Methods
3. Heuristic Evaluation
4. Conducting User Surveys
5. User Feedback Analysis
6. Addressing Usability Issues
7. Introduction to Accessibility
8. WCAG Guidelines
9. Inclusive Design Practices
10. Testing for Accessibility Compliance

1. Overview of Design Tools (e.g., Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD)
2. Choosing the Right Design Software
3. Prototyping Tools
4. Collaboration Features in Design Tools
5. Integrating Design Tools with Version Control
6. Asset Export and Handoff
7. Plugins and Extensions
8. Designing with Developers in Mind
9. Latest Features and Updates in Design Tools
10. Future Trends in Design Software

1. Collaborative Design Workflows
2. Client Interaction and Requirements Gathering
3. Working with Development Teams
4. Agile and Design Sprints
5. Project Management for Designers
6. Pitching and Presenting Design Concepts
7. Designing for Different Industries (e.g., E-commerce, Healthcare)
8. Ethical Considerations in UI/UX Design
9. Building a Portfolio
10. Emerging Trends in UI/UX Design Careers


Certify your UI/UX design skills with StackCode. Demonstrate your ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, opening doors in the design field.

Course Length

6 Month








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    Choose StackCode for top-notch UI/UX Design training in Ahmedabad.

    Expert Instructors

    Learn UI/UX Design from StackCode, Ahmedabad's premier training institute

    Comprehensive Curriculum

    Master the essentials of UI/UX with our focused course.

    Hands-On Learning

    Develop practical design skills through real-world projects.

    Cutting-Edge Facilities

    Access advanced design tools in our state-of-the-art labs.


    Receive a recognized credential, showcasing your UI/UX expertise.

    Job Placement Support

    Benefit from our strong industry connections for career opportunities.


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