PHP Development

PHP Development

Overview Course Description

Welcome to our PHP Development course! Dive into the dynamic world of web development with our comprehensive PHP training. Master the art of server-side scripting, build robust websites, and unleash the power of PHP frameworks.

From basic syntax to advanced concepts, our hands-on approach ensures you gain practical skills. Elevate your coding prowess and join us on a journey towards PHP excellence. Enroll now and shape your future in the world of web development!

What You’ll Learn From This Course

Course Curriculum

1. Understanding the Basics of Web Development
2. Introduction to Server-Side Scripting
3. Role of PHP in Web Development
4. PHP’s History and Evolution
5. Advantages of Using PHP
6. PHP vs Other Server-Side Languages
7. Setting Up a Local Development Environment (XAMPP, WampServer)
8. Writing Your First PHP Script
9. Basic Syntax and Variables in PHP
10. PHP Data Types and Type Juggling

1. Control Structures (if, else, switch)
2. Loops in PHP (for, while, foreach)
3. Functions and their Usage
4. Arrays in PHP
5. Strings and String Manipulation
6. Working with Dates and Times
7. PHP Superglobals ($_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE)
8. Error Handling in PHP
9. File Handling in PHP
10. Understanding Regular Expressions in PHP

1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
2. Classes and Objects in PHP
3. Properties and Methods
4. Inheritance and Polymorphism
5. Encapsulation and Abstraction
6. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
7. Traits in PHP
8. Namespaces in PHP
9. Autoloading Classes
10. Design Patterns in PHP

1. Introduction to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
2. Handling HTML Forms with PHP
3. Form Validation and Sanitization
4. Sessions and Cookies in PHP
5. Authentication and Authorization
6. Sending Email with PHP
7. Handling File Uploads
8. Working with Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
9. CRUD Operations in PHP
10. Securing PHP Applications (SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting)

1. Introduction to Frontend Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
2. Integrating PHP with HTML and CSS
3. AJAX and Asynchronous PHP
4. JSON and RESTful API Development in PHP
5. Introduction to XML and SimpleXML
6. Working with Web Services (SOAP, REST)
7. Introduction to Composer (Dependency Manager for PHP)
8. Using External Libraries and Frameworks (Symfony, Laravel)
9. Templating Engines in PHP (Twig, Smarty)
10. PHP and Content Management Systems (WordPress, Joomla)

1. Importance of Testing in Web Development
2. Unit Testing in PHP (PHPUnit)
3. Debugging Techniques in PHP
4. Profiling and Optimization
5. Code Quality Tools (PHP CodeSniffer, PHPStan)
6. Version Control with Git
7. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
8. Error Logging and Monitoring
9. Security Best Practices in PHP
10. Performance Tuning in PHP Applications

1. Introduction to PHP Extensions
2. Working with WebSockets in PHP
3. Building RESTful APIs with PHP
4. Dependency Injection in PHP
5. Asynchronous PHP (ReactPHP)
6. Multi-threading in PHP (POSIX Threads)
7. Internationalization and Localization in PHP
8. Server-Side Caching Techniques
9. Building Command-Line Applications in PHP
10. PHP and Machine Learning (Optional)

1. Overview of PHP Frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter)
2. Setting Up and Getting Started with Laravel
3. Routing and Controllers in Laravel
4. Eloquent ORM in Laravel
5. Blade Templating Engine
6. Middleware and Authentication in Laravel
7. Introduction to Symfony and its Components
8. Building a Simple Web Application with a Framework
9. Content Management Systems in PHP (WordPress, Drupal)
10. Customizing and Extending PHP Frameworks

1. Deploying PHP Applications to Web Servers
2. Configuring Web Servers (Apache, Nginx) for PHP
3. Domain Management and DNS
4. Securing Web Servers and PHP Applications
5. Cloud Hosting Services (AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku)
6. Continuous Deployment Strategies
7. Monitoring and Logging in Production
8. Load Balancing and Scalability
9. SSL Certificates and HTTPS
10. Backups and Disaster Recovery

1. Designing and Planning a PHP Project
2. Implementing a Real-World PHP Application
3. Collaborative Development and Version Control
4. Code Reviews and Best Practices
5. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design
6. Project Documentation and Code Comments
7. Testing and Quality Assurance
8. Deployment and Hosting of the Final Project
9. Demonstrating the Final Project
10. Reflection and Future Learning Paths


Validate your PHP development skills with StackCode certification. Showcase your ability to build dynamic websites and applications, opening new doors in your career.

Course Length

6 Month








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    Choose StackCode for unparalleled PHP development training in Ahmedabad.

    Expert-Led Training

    Learn PHP from industry experts at StackCode, Ahmedabad's leading training institute

    Comprehensive PHP Curriculum

    Master PHP for web development with our detailed course structure.

    Practical Application

    Gain hands-on experience through real-world projects for effective skill-building.

    State-of-the-Art Resources

    Access cutting-edge facilities and tools to enhance your PHP development capabilities.

    Industry-Recognized Certification

    Earn a valuable certification upon course completion, enhancing your credibility.

    Career Support

    Leverage our strong industry connections for job placement assistance in Ahmedabad and beyond


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