Node Js Development

Node Js Development

Overview Course Description

Welcome to our Node.js Development course! Dive into the world of server-side JavaScript and harness the power of Node.js. This comprehensive training covers key concepts like event-driven architecture, asynchronous programming, and building scalable applications.

Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects, equipping you with the skills needed for today’s dynamic web development landscape. Elevate your coding prowess and embark on a transformative journey in Node.js development with StackCode Training Institute.

What You’ll Learn From This Course

Course Curriculum

1. Overview of JavaScript Runtime Environments
2. Introduction to Node.js and Its Architecture
3. Node.js vs Traditional Server-Side Technologies
4. Advantages and Use Cases of Node.js
5. Setting Up Node.js and npm
6. Understanding the Event-Driven and Non-Blocking Nature of Node.js
7. Introduction to CommonJS Modules and npm Packages
8. Basic Node.js Commands and REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
9. The Node.js Ecosystem and Package Management
10. Node.js Versioning and LTS (Long-Term Support) Releases

1. Creating and Running a Simple Node.js Server
2. Handling HTTP Requests and Responses in Node.js
3. Routing and Middleware in Express.js
4. Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
5. Templating Engines for Server-Side Rendering
6. Working with Forms and File Uploads
7. Handling Cookies and Sessions
8. Express.js Project Structure Best Practices
9. Error Handling and Logging in Node.js
10. Debugging Node.js Applications with DevTools

1. Understanding Callbacks and Callback Hell
2. Introduction to Promises in JavaScript
3. Async/Await in Node.js
4. Event Loop and Event Emitters in Node.js
5. File System Operations in an Asynchronous Environment
6. Concurrency and Parallelism in Node.js
7. Handling Multiple Requests Concurrently
8. Streams and Buffers in Node.js
9. Introduction to Worker Threads (Optional)
10. Best Practices for Asynchronous Development in Node.js

1. Connecting Node.js to Relational Databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
2. Connecting Node.js to NoSQL Databases (e.g., MongoDB)
3. Performing CRUD Operations with a Database
4. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) in Node.js
5. Query Building and Execution
6. Mongoose for MongoDB Interaction
7. Database Connection Pooling
8. Transaction Management
9. Data Modeling and Schema Design
10. Handling Database Migrations

1. User Authentication Strategies (e.g., JWT, OAuth)
2. Implementing Local Authentication
3. Third-Party Authentication (e.g., Google, Facebook)
4. Session-Based Authentication
5. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
6. Security Best Practices for Node.js
7. Encrypting Passwords and Sensitive Data
8. Preventing Common Security Vulnerabilities
9. Rate Limiting and Brute Force Protection
10. Logging and Auditing User Activities

1. Introduction to Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD)
2. Testing Libraries and Frameworks (e.g., Mocha, Jest)
3. Writing and Running Unit Tests in Node.js
4. Mocking and Stubbing Dependencies
5. Integration Testing and End-to-End Testing
6. Code Coverage and Reporting
7. Continuous Integration (CI) for Node.js Projects
8. Test Automation and CI/CD Pipelines
9. Debugging Tests in Node.js
10. Best Practices for Node.js Testing

1. Designing RESTful API Endpoints
2. Request and Response Formats (JSON, XML)
3. RESTful API Documentation (e.g., Swagger, OpenAPI)
4. Versioning RESTful APIs
5. Pagination and Filtering
6. HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
7. Rate Limiting and Throttling
8. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
9. API Security Best Practices
10. Building Real-Time APIs with WebSockets (Optional)

1. Understanding Middleware in Express.js
2. Creating Custom Middleware Functions
3. Error Handling Middleware
4. Third-Party Middleware (e.g., Body Parser, Helmet)
5. Developing and Using npm Packages
6. Publishing npm Packages
7. Working with Streams and Buffers
8. Creating and Managing Custom Modules
9. Best Practices for Modular Code
10. Code Organization and Project Structure

1. Deploying Node.js Applications to Cloud Platforms (e.g., Heroku, AWS)
2. Environment Variables and Configuration
3. Performance Optimization Strategies
4. Caching Strategies in Node.js
5. Load Balancing and Scaling
6. Monitoring and Logging Tools
7. Profiling Node.js Applications
8. Compression and Minification of Assets
9. Continuous Deployment (CD) Pipelines
10. Handling Application State in a Clustered Environment

1. Microservices Architecture with Node.js
2. Serverless Computing and Functions as a Service (FaaS)
3. GraphQL and its Role in Modern APIs
4. Machine Learning Integration with Node.js
5. Internet of Things (IoT) and Node.js
6. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with Node.js
7. Building Desktop Applications with Electron
8. Real-Time Data Processing with Node.js
9. Blockchain and Node.js
10. Exploring Emerging Trends and Future Directions in Node.js


Certify your Node.js development skills with StackCode. Demonstrate your ability to build scalable server-side applications and boost your career prospects.

Course Length

6 Month








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    Specialized Curriculum

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    Practical Application

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    Certification of Excellence

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