

Overview Course Description

Welcome to our DevOps course! Gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices that bridge development and operations. Delve into automation, collaboration, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

Acquire hands-on experience with industry tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins. Elevate your skills to streamline software delivery and enhance collaboration across your development and IT teams. Join us on this transformative journey to master DevOps and revolutionize your approach to software development and deployment.

What You’ll Learn From This Course

Course Curriculum

1. Definition and Principles of DevOps
2. Evolution of DevOps in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
3. Benefits and Business Value of DevOps
4. Role of DevOps in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
5. DevOps Culture and Collaboration
6. Key DevOps Practices and Tools
7. DevOps vs. Traditional IT Operations
8. Case Studies of Successful DevOps Implementations
9. Challenges in Adopting DevOps
10. DevOps Skills and Competencies

1. Introduction to Version Control Systems (VCS)
2. Benefits of Version Control
3. Git Basics and Workflow
4. Branching and Merging in Git
5. Working with Remote Repositories
6. Git Best Practices
7. Introduction to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket
8. Continuous Integration with Version Control
9. Git Hooks and Automation
10. Git Security Best Practices

1. Introduction to Continuous Integration (CI)
2. CI Principles and Benefits
3. Setting Up CI Servers (Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, etc.)
4. Configuring CI Pipelines
5. Automated Builds and Testing
6. Integrating CI with Version Control
7. Code Quality Analysis and Metrics
8. Artifact Repository Management
9. CI/CD Best Practices
10. Troubleshooting CI Failures

1. Introduction to Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery (CD)
2. CD Principles and Benefits
3. Deployment Strategies (Blue-Green, Canary, etc.)
4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with tools like Terraform or CloudFormation
5. Configuration Management (Ansible, Puppet, Chef)
6. Docker and Containerization
7. Container Orchestration (Kubernetes)
8. CD Automation and Release Management
9. Monitoring and Rollback Strategies
10. Security Considerations in CD

1. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
2. Benefits of IaC in DevOps
3. IaC Tools (Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Ansible)
4. Declarative vs. Imperative IaC
5. Writing Infrastructure Code
6. Managing State in IaC
7. IaC Best Practices
8. Versioning and Collaboration in IaC
9. IaC for Multi-Cloud Deployments
10. Case Studies of IaC Implementations

1. Importance of Monitoring and Logging in DevOps
2. Monitoring Tools (Prometheus, Grafana, Nagios, ELK Stack)
3. Log Management and Analysis
4. Performance Monitoring and Optimization
5. Alerts and Notification Systems
6. Incident Response and Management
7. Log Aggregation and Centralized Logging
8. Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
9. Infrastructure Monitoring
10. Security Monitoring in DevOps

1. Introduction to DevSecOps
2. Integrating Security into DevOps Processes
3. Code Analysis and Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
4. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
5. Container Security Best Practices
6. Infrastructure Security Considerations
7. Access Control and Identity Management
8. Compliance and Auditing in DevOps
9. Security Automation in CI/CD Pipelines
10. Continuous Monitoring for Security

1. Importance of Collaboration in DevOps
2. DevOps and Agile Methodologies
3. Cross-Functional Teams in DevOps
4. Communication Tools (Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.)
5. Documentation in DevOps
6. Knowledge Sharing and Training
7. Managing Cultural Changes
8. Collaboration in Remote DevOps Teams
9. Case Studies of Effective DevOps Collaboration
10. Building a DevOps Community

1. Setting Up a DevOps Culture
2. Agile and DevOps Integration
3. Measuring DevOps Success and Metrics
4. Continuous Improvement in DevOps
5. Scaling DevOps for Large Organizations
6. Case Studies of High-Performing DevOps Teams
7. DevOps for Microservices Architecture
8. DevOps for Serverless Architectures
9. DevOps for Legacy Systems
10. Future Trends in DevOps


Certify your DevOps skills with StackCode. Demonstrate your ability to streamline software delivery and enhance collaboration between development and operations teams.

Course Length

6 Month








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    Comprehensive Curriculum

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    Cutting-Edge Facilities

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