

Overview Course Description

Welcome to our Backend Development course! Dive into the core of web applications with our comprehensive training. From server-side scripting to database management, master the skills essential for robust backend development.

Our hands-on approach ensures you gain practical experience in building scalable and efficient systems. Elevate your coding expertise and become a Backend pro. Join us and unlock the gateway to creating powerful, dynamic web applications.

What You’ll Learn From This Course

Course Curriculum

1. Basics of Backend Development
2. Server-Side vs Client-Side
3. Overview of Backend Technologies
4. Importance of Backend in Web Development
5. Backend Development Languages (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.)
6. Common Backend Frameworks (Express.js, Django, Flask, etc.)
7. Role of Backend in a Full-Stack Application
8. Backend Architecture Patterns
9. Introduction to API Design
10. Building Scalable Backend Systems

1. Introduction to Node.js
2. Asynchronous JavaScript and the Event Loop
3. Setting Up a Node.js Project
4. Basics of Express.js Framework
5. Routing in Express.js
6. Middleware in Express.js
7. Handling Request and Response Objects
8. Error Handling in Express.js
9. File Structure in a Node.js Project
10. Introduction to RESTful APIs

1. Introduction to Databases
2. Types of Databases (SQL vs NoSQL)
3. MongoDB as a NoSQL Database
4. CRUD Operations in MongoDB
5. Data Modeling in MongoDB
6. Indexing and Performance Optimization
7. Querying Data in MongoDB
8. Transactions and Atomicity
9. Connecting Node.js to MongoDB
10. Mongoose ODM for MongoDB in Node.js

1. Principles of RESTful API Design
2. Creating Endpoints in Express.js
4. Handling Request and Response Formats (JSON, XML)
5. API Versioning Strategies
6. Authentication and Authorization in APIs
7. Rate Limiting and Throttling
8. Error Handling in APIs
9. Testing APIs with Postman
10. Documentation with Swagger or OpenAPI

1. Custom Middleware in Express.js
2. Authentication Middleware
3. Authorization Middleware
4. Handling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
5. File Uploads and Handling
6. WebSockets and Real-Time Communication (
7. Security Best Practices in Express.js
8. Performance Optimization in Express.js
9. Unit Testing with Jest in Node.js
10. Debugging Techniques for Node.js Applications

1. Introduction to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
2. Using Templating Engines (e.g., EJS, Pug)
3. Configuring Templating Engines in Express.js
4. Building Dynamic Views in Node.js
5. Handling Form Submissions
6. Cookies and Sessions Management
7. Web Authentication Strategies
8. Building a Session-Based Authentication System
9. Security Considerations in SSR
10. Optimizing Server-Side Rendered Pages

1. Introduction to GraphQL
2. Schema Definition Language (SDL)
3. Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions in GraphQL
4. Setting Up a GraphQL Server with Express.js
5. Resolvers and Data Fetching in GraphQL
6. Apollo Server and Client
7. GraphQL vs RESTful APIs
8. Real-Time Data with GraphQL Subscriptions
9. Securing GraphQL Endpoints
10. Best Practices for GraphQL Development

1. Preparing a Backend Application for Deployment
2. Choosing a Hosting Provider (AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean, etc.)
3. Containerization with Docker
4. Orchestration with Kubernetes
5. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Basics
6. Monitoring and Logging in Production
7. Scaling Backend Applications Horizontally
8. Load Balancing Strategies
9. Database Backups and Restoration
10. Security Considerations in Production Environments

1. Introduction to Microservices
2. Benefits and Challenges of Microservices
3. Designing Microservices Architecture
4. Communication Between Microservices
5. Service Discovery and Orchestration
6. API Gateway in Microservices
7. Data Management in Microservices
8. Testing and Debugging Microservices
9. Deploying and Scaling Microservices
10. Security Considerations in Microservices

1. Serverless Architecture and Functions as a Service (FaaS)
2. Event-Driven Architecture
3. Building for the Internet of Things (IoT)
4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Backend Development
5. Blockchain and Smart Contracts
6. Edge Computing
7. Integrating with Third-Party APIs
8. Future Trends in Backend Development
9. Ethical Considerations in Backend Development
10. Final Project: Apply the acquired knowledge to build a complex backend system.


Validate your backend development skills with our certification. Master server-side technologies and advance your career with StackCode recognition.

Course Length

6 Month








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    Enroll now at StackCode for an exceptional Backend Development Course in Ahmedabad

    Elite Instructors

    Benefit from industry experts at StackCode, Ahmedabad's leading training institute.

    Comprehensive Backend Curriculum

    Master backend technologies with a well-structured course.

    Hands-On Projects

    Apply knowledge through practical projects for real-world skills.

    Cutting-Edge Infrastructure

    Access modern facilities and tools for an optimal learning experience.

    Certification Excellence

    Earn a recognized certification upon course completion.

    Career Support

    Leverage our strong industry ties for valuable job placement assistance.


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